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Consulting and Design

Energy from biomass, a power source on the rise

Biomass - Reduces Operating Costs

Clean Green Hydrogen Power, Inc in the onsite Fuel-Cell of power using biomass.

Consulting and Design

  • The technology we use is mundane, but its applications are revolutionary.  Biomass fuel-cell has a negative carbon Footprint AND generates positive cash flow.
  • Clean Green Hydrogen Power, Inc works with agricultural firms, waste management organizations, construction companies, and forestry industries to conceptualize, design, and implement onsite biomass fuel-cell systems specifically tailored to meet each organization’s individual needs.
  • We also work with universities, governmental organizations and non-profits to share our research and improve biomass power solutions.
  • For more information about our consulting and design services, please our office at 408 313-5438 or info@cghpower.co

Reduces Operating Costs

  • Affordable power priced below the grid
  • Avoid capital investment by only paying for power as it is produced
  • Highly efficient combined heat and power (CHP) further supports economics and sustainability goals


Phone: 408-286-3600 E-mail:info@cghpower.com