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Biochar – that black charcoal-like substance discussed so often in recent days for its miraculous effects on soil and compost – is good for more than just your garden. One of the key materials for a sustainable future of the planet, biochar has many other uses that can be integrated into new organic systems for farming, building, clothing, electronics and a whole range of consumer products. Biochar can initiate multiple cascades to optimize and recycle current material, nutrient, and energy flows.


Does it really make sense to work biochar into fields?

These economic considerations are not so different from what the natives in the Amazon had to face when they used biochar to improve their soils, and where you will still find plenty of places with over 40 tons of biochar buried into just one acre of soil. Even if no money existed back in those days, it would have made no economic sense to cut down some 80 huge rainforest trees and then use ancient charcoal kilns to make some 40 tons of biochar – just to bury the biochar into one acre of soil. And don’t forget: all this would have been done without any chainsaws or axes and no animals to pull the logs close to the field The idea of applying dozens of tons of biochar to fields can only come from scholars who, on the basis of the Terra Preta example, have arrived at a false conclusion completely without any practical relevance – i.e. the massive one-time application of biochar.

Many Uses of Biochar

The cascaded use of biochar in animal farming

Silage agent, Feed add an additive/supplement. Litter additive, Slurry treatment, Manure composting, Water treatment in fish farming

Use as a soil conditioner

Carbon fertilizer, Compost additive, Substitute for peat in potting soil, Plant protection, Compensatory fertilizer for trace elements

Use in the building sector

Insulation, Air decontamination, Decontamination of earth foundations, Humidity regulation, Protection against electromagnetic radiation (“electrosmog”)


Soil additive for soil remediation – for use in particular on former mine-works, military bases and landfill sites).

Soil substrates – Highly adsorbing, plantable soil substrates for use in cleaning wastewater; in particular urban wastewater contaminated by heavy metals.

A barrier preventing pesticides from getting into surface water – berms around fields and ponds can be equipped with 30-50 cm deep barriers made of biochar for filtering out pesticides.

Treating pond and lake water – biochar is good for absorbing pesticides and fertilizers, as well as for improving water aeration.

Biogas production

Biomass additive, 22. Biogas slurry treatment

Initial tests show that, through adding biochar to a fermenter’s biomass (especially heterogeneous biomasses), the methane and hydrogen yield is increased, while at the same time decreasing CO2 and ammonia emissions. Through treating biogas slurry with lacto-ferments and biochar, nutrients are better stored and emissions prevented.

The treatment of wastewater

Active carbon filter, 24. Pre-rinsing additive, 25. Soil substrate for organic plant beds, 26. Composting toilets

The treatment of drinking water

Micro-filters, 28. Micro-filters in developing countries

Other industrial uses

Exhaust filters, Controlling emissions, Room air filters, Industrial materials, carbon fibers, plastics, Electronics,  semiconductors, batteries

Metallurgy, metal reduction, Cosmetics, soaps, skin-cream, therapeutic bath additives, Paints and coloring, food colorants, industrial paints Energy production, pellets, substitute for lignite


detoxification, a carrier for active pharmaceutical ingredients, Cataplasm for insect bites, abscesses, eczema…)

There are several hundred other medical uses proven in its efficiency for many centuries. Somewhat forgotten during the last 40 years, more and more people and doctors rediscover its efficiency to treat a whole range of symptoms.


Fabric additive for functional underwear, Thermal insulation for functional clothing, Deodorant for shoe soles

In Japan and China bamboo-based biochars are already being woven into textiles to gain better thermal and breathing properties and to reduce the development of odors through sweat. The same aim is pursued through the inclusion of biochar in shoe soles and socks.


Filling for mattresses,  filling for pillows

Biochar adsorbs perspiration and odors, shields against electromagnetic radiation (electrosmog), and removes negative ions from the skin. Moreover, it acts as a thermal insulator reflecting heat, thereby enabling comfortable sleep without any heat build-up in summer. In Japan, pillows have been filled with biochar for a long time. This is supposed to prevent insomnia and neck tension.

Shield against electromagnetic radiation

Biochar can be used in microwave ovens, television sets, power supplies, computers, power sockets, etc. to shield against electromagnetic radiation. This property can also be used in functional clothing as protection for parts of the body particularly sensitive to radiation.

Food Conservation

Put a small bowl of biochar into the fridge (or small linen bags with biochar) and it will not only absorb bad odors but also Ethylene which will retard the post ripening of fruits and vegetables prolonging thus their conservation time. As the biochar takes-up humidity, the risk of mold is diminished. In food packaging, the conservation time can be increased through the addition of biochar either in the packaging material or as an additive in small tea bags. For the long-term storage of potatoes, carrots, cabbage, apples, and other winter vegetables and fruits, to dig them into biochar can increase storage time for several months.

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